Terms and Conditions for Participation in Gaming Tournaments

1. Tournament Registration and Commitment
By registering for and participating in any gaming tournament(s) organized by WyvaCon, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizer”), I, the undersigned player, agree to consider this application a binding commitment to attend the convention as a competitor in the specified tournament(s). I understand and acknowledge that no refunds will be provided for tournament registration fees after acceptance.

2. Eligibility
I affirm that I meet all eligibility criteria for participation in the tournament(s) as specified by the Organizer. This includes but is not limited to age restrictions, citizenship requirements, and any specific game-related qualifications.

3. Code of Conduct
I agree to abide by all rules, regulations, and codes of conduct set forth by the Organizer for the tournament(s). This includes respecting the rights and safety of other participants and refraining from any behavior that may disrupt the event.

4. Waiver of Liability
I understand and acknowledge that participation in gaming tournaments involves inherent risks, including but not limited to physical injury, property damage, or loss of personal belongings. I hereby release WyvaCon, Inc., the Wytheville Meeting Center, their employees, agents, volunteers, and affiliates from any liability for any such loss, damage, or injury that may occur during my participation in the tournament(s).

5. Personal Responsibility
I agree to assume full responsibility for my personal belongings and equipment while attending the convention and participating in tournament(s). The Organizer and its affiliates are not responsible for any loss, theft, or damage to personal property.

6. Disqualification
The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates the tournament rules or engages in unsportsmanlike conduct, without refund of registration fees.

7. Amendments
The Organizer reserves the right to amend or modify these terms and conditions at any time, with notice provided to registered participants. Participants are responsible for reviewing and understanding any updates.

8. Payment Authorization
If I, the undersigned player, am using a credit card or payment method that does not belong to me to register for the tournament(s), I hereby certify that I have obtained full permission and authorization from the credit card owner to use their card for this purpose. I acknowledge that any disputes or issues related to payment authorization are my sole responsibility, and I agree to indemnify and hold harmless WyvaCon, Inc., the Wytheville Meeting Center, and their affiliates from any claims, liabilities, or disputes arising from the use of another person’s credit card for my registration.

Updated 9/15/2023